
Spell Check Upgrade Learns Your Vocabulary

Spell Check Upgrade Learns Your Vocabulary

Imagine having a personal dictionary on Triond that learns new words as you use them. Our latest upgrade to the Online Editor spell check does just that; enables you to build a personal dictionary and remembers new words after they are added.
Those of you who write technical or otherwise lingo-heavy articles will find this function especially useful. It also helpful if you use words from other languages transliterated into English.
To check your spelling, just click on the same ABC button as before. Now, when the system finds a spelling error, the misspelled word will be highlighted in yellow. Correcting errors is a breeze just click on the highlighted word and a suggestion box will drop down. If you find the word you were looking for in the suggestion box, click it and it will replace the misspelled word. If there is no suggestion that fits the context, but you are sure the word is correct and you want to keep using it, you can click to dictionary and the word will never again be marked as a spelling error.
Here are some screenshots that demonstrate this functionality:
Let click the ABC button and see the highlighted words:
The words and were highlighted. Let fix them, we pick from the suggestion box, and we add to the dictionary:
That it, easy and convenient.
Happy publishing!
Does this work in Firefox v. 3.08? In the OnlineEditor, now even purposefully misspelled words do not (or at least did not when I checked this afternoon) have the red underline. I discovered this by accident and tried to add a few misspelled words to the spell-check tool and happened. It failed to recognize the misspelled words as being incorrect.
I like the graph. This is a useful feature. This is for individual user statistics, right? It would be nice to see how many are viewing one own works. What is attracting attention, etc.
Again with Firefox, -I see the FLASH box for but on-click it collapses and disappears. This works fine in IE-mode though.
I might have to change some settings on my Firefox to permit these new features to function but I hate the security of an otherwise secure browser to allow certain web sites to function as intended. As a web page builder I like to keep my preferred browser for the purpose of examining sites that may be potentially insecure.
I do hope (as an earlier postee mentioned) that if a word is added to the personal dictionary and later it needs to be recinded, that it can be.
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